Friday, November 07, 2008

I Did Not Know This Yesterday - 2

The 'I did not know this yesterday' series I started a while ago just did not go anywhere. So, wanted to revive it with a new post. So, sometime back, there was this news article that was about a mountain in Wales that was not a hill anymore but a mountain. (The reasons they cite on why this is such a big news are very revealing)

So, that article also had the answer to one of my long time questions - what is the exact difference between a hill and a mountain. After some more googling, I confirmed that the following is the answer:

A mountain is a hill over 2000 feet (609.8m) in height. Anything under that is considered a hill.

The above is from Wiki Answers. Found it really interesting and became a ready-made candidate for a post that can be included in this series.



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